Sunday, November 17, 2013

"You.., You being Someone else.., You being yourself"

(Its been quiet a while, that I hadn't written.

When I had a look at my Blog Antaranga, the last post that I had published was on January 13, 2011. Its been almost 3 years…

I started analyzing, as to why is there a long gap… Why I did not  write in these 2 years  10 months duration… 

This thought made be come up with the below Post..

"You.., You being Someone else.., You being yourself"

I have used the word "you" Multiple times.., but I can't help because this is all about "YOU" :) 

Views, feedbacks, criticism are much appreciated..,

Presenting to you all…!!!)

"You.., You being Someone else.., You being yourself"

"You" as a person… who you are is a combination of your genetics and your practice of being yourself for years together.

Say for an instance.., It might be a good quality or a bad one.., your strength or weakness.., what you are now, is the result of what you have chosen to be and that you have continuously Practised to be. As wise men say "your habits become your Character."

You will continue to be a Happy man until there is a change of Phase in your life. Wherein you will undergo a transition. This Phase change may be expected or unexpected.., Pleasant or Unpleasant…, This might be by chance (unavoidable) or by choice..,

But once the Phase changes the transition happens gradually..,

This Phase change then starts the chase… There begins the race.. "THE RAT RACE" You will start to run the race..  That race, which you do not know where it ends… you do not know where you are heading towards... Only thing that you know is that every one are running and you are running too…, and this is an never ending run.., chasing everyone and everything that comes in your Path...

Knowingly or unknowingly.., Purposely or accidentally..,  you will start losing yourself in this race.., you lose yourself to overtake your fellow contenders.., you'll Push yourself. You'll Push the limits in this Pursuit to fit in the system.

All that you are doing is Losing yourself…!!!

You tend to change and you tend to become someone else that you are not . Day by day you change little by little...
This little and gradual changes that you undergo is so minute that you hardly Notice. But you are constantly changing…, for good... for bad... 
For worse…

BUT, there will always be a soft tiny (But a very clear) Voice in a corner of your heart that will always make you feel that something is bothering you.., Something has changed.., Or something is missing in you..,

When you find an old Note book (Probably the only notebook) that you used to carry to college.., The notes that you had made.., your handwriting.., the Pen you loved to write with…, your good old friends… that song that made you remember someone special.., the streets that you loved to walk.., your Passion.., your hobbies… Every thing starts flashing in front of your eyes like a dream… Making you realize the major change that you have undergone in the course of time…

That day you will realize that you have changed so much that you are missing yourself that you were earlier…!!

This is when you will admire "THE PERSON" who you WERE. This is when you compare yourself with who you WERE with who you are.

The change in your own Nature, astonishes you. This is when you develop an urge to revert back to who you WERE from who you are.

This is when you'll be puzzled if this RAT RACE is worth running…!!
Some one has wisely said "A man should know how to earn a living and more importantly how to live" At this stage the meaning of the quote will be absolutely clear to you.., 

You will realize the quality of life you had and that you are having now. The personality you had and what you have...

All you need to do is to Stop.., Look Back.., retain the changes that is worth retaining and revert back to what you were…Being Imperial… Royal… Simple and self content…

Life is all about Being you…!! A better you..!!