Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Illusion & Reality

What you think that is real might not be reality for me. It would be just an Illusion.

Your reality might not actually be real. You believe it to be real because, you like it to be that way.., it would be convincing to you and it might make you feel comfortable...

Let us take an example of   "A PERSON".

Hundred People see him (PERSON) in hundred different ways and each one of them believe that, how he sees the Person is what the Person is or what he should be as...

But the most funniest Part is that this Person might not be like any of the views / imagination / assumptions of any of these hundred people have had about him. He would (or could) be completely different from what everyone else had thought him to be....

Now tell me what is real ?? And what is Illusion ? 

What you had thought about the person (Things /circumstance in general) is real..? or what the rest of the 99 People with 99 different views about the person is real..? or what The Person actually is, is real..?

What is correct and what is wrong…?

All of us are living in our own world of illusion which we believe it to be real and all of us are happy about it [a blissful ignorance]...

Let me tell you one thing, the human nature is,  NOT TO accept things as it is. We all want things (/ People) to be as we want it (them) to be. And each one of us continue doing that all the time.

One day down the lane there will be a CLASH. The clash of realities. When your reality (The illusion that you believe it to be real) clashes with the reality of the Person (What he actually is)....

When you find a deviation between your reality and the Person's reality, you will realize that your reality about the Person was an illusion....!! But you are not ready to accept this and this is all because of the magic of "EGO"

This is when the relationship between you and the person will start getting spoilt and this creates a smothering atmosphere.

Your opinion and that of the Person's will clash... Petty issues will become huge problems... You might over react for silly things, because you are not ready to accept the reality as it is...Your EGO is not ready to accept the ACTUAL REALITY...!!

And now you'll try to make your illusion as a reality by imposing your illusion and thoughts on the Person and forcefully trying to make it as the person's reality.

Now comes the situation wherein you will stop liking to spend time with the Person and will try to push the time while being together. You try to avoid each other and you might also end up whatever relationship you had with the Person.

We all will have an image of a person say for an instance dad, mom, brother, sister, friend, Bf, Gf, husband, wife,  teacher, Priest, enemy etc.   and we expect them to be as we have imagined them to be in our heads. That’s weird but true.

The question is are we right in doing so ? Is it really NOT OKAY to accept people as they are ?

Okay lets make a deal. Let us turn the table around...!!
It was really fun discussing about "THE PERSON" and how 100 different people had looked at him in 100 different ways and expected him to be In 100 different Avatars.

Now lets replace "THE PERSON" with "OURSELVES".

This is food for thought isn't it ?

Isn't it hard to imagine..??

Imagine (Just for an instance) you know 100 people in this world and all 100 of them want you to be as the would wish to see you as....

We now realize that it is very difficult (or impossible) to satisfy / Justify / impress everyone around you by sacrificing what actually you are. 

Then why do we expect this from others…?

All we need to understand is how much real (truthful) are we to ourselves.., instead of  us wanting others to be like us or we trying to be like others.

Yes there are few realities which makes you happy, and few gives you heartbreaks…, Those which makes you strong and those which breaks you down...
But when you limit your illusion (which you firmly believe to be real) you will be able to accept people, things, circumstances around you as they really are...!!

You will be able to accept LIFE as IT IS ..!!

With an open Mind...


as a strong Individual…!! 

Cheers \m/

Avinash K V Unique 

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